We have a Board of Trustees!


The Howard Fine Acting Studio Australia is very pleased to announce that we we are now fully supported by a dedicated Trust. In 2017, we decided to open up stewardship of The Studio and invited key individuals to become part of a leadership team here at HFAS, one dedicated to our ideas and principles.

The members of the Trust come from all areas of the HFAS community, including professional (and award-winning) actors, directors and producers. They are all intimately familiar with how we work, what makes us unique and how we can best serve our community. In addition to being working professionals they are all graduates and alumni of The Studio's Master Class, Full Time and Part Time programs. They are a highly skilled and impressive group of individuals who are committed to making The Studio the best institution it can be. They have the vision and desire to ensure the Howard Fine Acting Studio continues to grow, develop and service the needs of it's community. 

With the help of the Trust, we will be announcing an extremely exciting series of new initiatives in 2018, as well as introducing you to its members over the coming weeks. Stay tuned, there are great things coming!


Meet the Trust - Mark Salvestro


LA Diary - Aaron Mapleback