Howard Fine Acting Studio | Australia

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Meet the Trust - Mark Salvestro

You might remember that a few weeks ago, we blogged about our new Board of Trustees (click here to read that post). Made up of people from all areas of the HFAS community, including professional actors, directors and producers, The Trust are a highly skilled group of individuals who will be working to ensure that The Studio is the best institution it can be, and that it continues to grow and service the needs of its community. 

Over the coming weeks, we will be introducing you to the members of The Trust, beginning this week with the wonderful Mark Salvestro!

Mark is an actor, writer, producer and founding member of independent theatre companies, Second Breakfast and North of Eight. Mark’s most recent accomplishment is his critically acclaimed one-man show, Buried at Sea, which he wrote, produced and performed. Buried at Sea has toured nationally, including successful seasons at Melbourne and Adelaide Fringe Festivals, and a sold-out Snowy Mountains tour. Mark has trained extensively as a performer in Sydney and Melbourne, and in 2014, graduated from the Full-Time Program at the Howard Fine Acting Studio Australia. 

We asked Mark a few questions to help you get to know him...

1. Tell us three things about yourself (that we can't learn from your bio!)

• I've never had a coffee before...yep. 

• I'm the youngest of six kids 

• I have a pet sulphur-crested cockatoo 

2. Why are you excited to be part of the HFAS Board of Trustees?

I'm excited to be able to give back to the wonderful HFAS community. I moved to Melbourne to take part in the Full-Time program in 2014, and I certainly wouldn't be here still if it wasn't for the supportive, open-hearted and hardworking souls that surround The Studio. 

3. How has training at HFAS helped you in your work in the industry? 

Training at HFAS has refined my work ethic. It has taught me to keep exploring, digging, and questioning everything. This, in turn, has opened up a whole realm of possibilities in my career and personal life. 

4. What do you love about being an actor?

Probably the thing I also loath at times too. The work. The research. The never-ending rabbit burrow of possibilities and discoveries. 

5. What do you not so much love about being an actor?

The tight budgets I live by each day, and my bank account not reflecting the amount of work I do. It's the risk we take, but it certainly likes to test us at times. 

6. What's your dream project or a role you'd love to play?

Surprisingly they're from a musical: George from Stephen Sondheim's 'Sunday in the Park with George'...but I've got at least 10 years before that one! And Hamlet, of course! Because what actor wouldn't want to sink their teeth into that role?

7. Tell us a piece of advice you have for your fellow actors

Lately, I've started to learn the importance of stopping, breathing and checking in with myself. It's so easy to jump on the fast-paced ride of it all, and forget why we're doing it and where we're going. Make time for this. It's worth every second. 

Thanks to Mark for taking the time to chat with us! Mark's other credits include Lonely People are Always up in the Middle of the Night, La Mama Explorations; Navy Pier, North of Eight; Couch Potato and Fairy Tale News, WIT Inc.; Private Moments: A Double Bill, Anywhere Festival; The Popular Mechanicals, and Stephen Sondheim’s Follies. So keep your eyes peeled, because this hardworking actor is sure to be on a stage near you soon!